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Products > Kimwood Sanders > Air Bag Tracking Retrofit - 3 Roll Configuration

Advantages: Less Maintenance, Less Downtime, Lower Replacement Costs, Less Operator Adjustment & Supervision Required.

All Kimwood sanders have utilized an air cylinder to track the abrasive belts back and forth prior to the introduction of the air bag system, regardless of the model of the sander. The original cylinder type systems where the speed and stopping could not be controlled adequately had to be constantly monitored and adjusted by the operator to maintain a smooth and uniform tracking motion. Once the cylinder becomes out of proper adjustment, the cylinders could literally destroy themselves if not corrected. These out of adjustment cylinders could also cause a belt runoff. The new Air Bag Tracking Retrofit solves these issues.

Using the Air Bags Tracking Retrofit we have introduced a soft, uniform, yet powerful motion that tracks the belt with very easy adjustments, and requires little to no operator attention.

This Air Bag Tracking Retrofit is available for Control Master sanders. Please contact the Sales Dept. at Kimwood Machinery Inc. for pricing and availability.

Air Bag Tracking Retrofit

Kimwood Machinery Inc.
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